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Oracle Reading

Oracle cards are an ancient and time-honoured way to connect with heaven and your Angels. Many people wonder why are we skipping past the holiest of support of the Creator, though we are not. Angels are the facets of God’s love as we speak directly to the heart and mind of the Creator. All Angel Oracle cards are supposed to be inclusive of all belief systems, as messages always come from the same aspect of pure love.

What is Oracle Reading?

They are based, upon Pythagorean numerology which teaches that numbers and images vibrate in a precise, mathematical manner. It is impossible to make a mistake when using Oracle cards because they operate within the infallible law of attraction. It implies that the client’s inquiry will always attract the perfect card as an answer. Each card pulled will exactly match the vibration of the question.

How does Oracle Reading Work?

So the client can ask a question either in thought-form or voice it, although one necessarily need not say it out loud if uncomfortable.

Some examples of questions can be:

What needs my energy or attention today?
What do the Angels want me to know or do to create healing in my life and be the best version of myself?
What do I need to know to have a more balanced romantic relationship?
What insight may I draw to grow in my career?
What can I work on internally to create more financial abundance?

A short half an hour reading will include :

Three cards reading: Past, Present, Future

The 1st card will relay your immediate past or an event that triggered the situation you are inquiring.
The 2nd card reveals the present situation and your current status, the aspect you need to know or work on at that moment, including how is it aligned with your soul.
The 3rd card refers to your immediate future if you continue on the current path. You can always improve or change your future by holding a positive outlook, listening to your inner wisdom and following the guidance of the second card.


Three cards reading: Strength, Heart, Challenge

The 1st card states your strengths achieved, lessons learnt in life and shows you what is in your favour.
The 2nd card relates to the blessings you carry in your heart and the aspect of self that you need to focus on towards your well being and growth as it is within your reach.
The 3rd card highlights the challenges and that part of your life or guidance you must pay attention. Something you need to heal and work on for it to resolve, to achieve your goal or the peace you are seeking.

A one-hour reading session will include:

The nine-card reading is an insight into nine main aspects of your life:

1 Past – What do your angels and guides want you to know you have conquered?
2 Present – What is happening right now?
3 Future – Something that supports your happiness.
4 Strengths – Gifts you have.
5 Blessings you carry in your heart – What does your heart want you to know?
6 Challenges – An obstacle you need to overcome.
7 Home and family
8 Relationships and romance
9 Career and purpose

It can be an enlightening reading as it spells out your entire life history.


The nine cards represent particular energies manifesting through you at this time.

1 Spirit – It is about you and your energy.
2 Earth – What is grounding you and providing you with focus at this time?
3 Air – What are your current thoughts and perceptions?
4 Fire – What are your rising desires and primary needs?
5 Water – How do you feel emotionally?
6 What needs attention and action?
7 Where to direct your energy and intentions?
8 What do you need to let go and let flow?
9 The outcome of your current vibration?

This reading with the help of the wisdom keepers gives you in-depth guidance about your energy at this time and represents aspects of your gifts and talents.


The seven-card reading spread represents past life lessons.

1 Identity – What energy did you have in a Past Life?
2 Traits – What gifts did you have then that you have now?
3 Challenge – What was your greatest challenge then (and maybe now)?
4 Revelation – What Karma needs undoing?
5 Help – What energy will support you?
6 Rise – How will it help you grow?
7 Transition – What energy are you stepping into as a result of these lessons?

This reading helps you connect with the gifts that have been moving with your soul through lifetimes. It helps to heal the root cause of your problems and learn the lessons you are moving through in this life.


At times it is difficult to hear our Angels clearly as our stress and emotions block us. Oracle reading acts as a physical bridge that Angels can use to share their intelligence and harmonious light, with us. A positive, safe and loving guidance system where you can get powerful and profound insight to help you uncover the spiritual support structure that surrounds you. It yields straightforward answers so that you receive your Guardian Angels direct messages. The divine law of attraction ensures that you will always choose the cards meant for you. The magic is not coming from the cards; it only forms the pathway to access and reflect the incredible wisdom around and within you.

Requirements for the Oracle Readings:

Congregating within the hidden spiritual realms there is unlimited energy, support and unconditional love ready to share its luminosity to heal us. However, the Angelic realm works under the divine law of free will. It means we can receive its help successfully only if we welcome it as we have the choice to take support or not. The readings are on a one to one basis whereby the client and the Oracle reader sit facing each other. The client has options of taking a short half an hour reading or an hour-long reading as elaborated above. Like attracts like, due to this spiritual law, the client pulls out only those cards that best reflect their situation, strengths, gifts and whatever else is going on in their life. In this way, their thoughts, feelings and actions that are creating their experiences come forward. As the chosen card spread lays out in front of them, they get a comprehensive analysis by the Oracle reader. With their intuitive thoughts, feelings, signs, words and visions, the reader provides a thorough review of the situation and the impressions they receive. Undoubtedly, it will always be loving, accurate and match the vibration of the client’s thought pattern. All one needs is, an approachable attitude to acknowledge, experience and honour this intelligence.

Who should do it?

It is our spiritual birthright to have a Guardian Angel. The day that you were born a beautiful being of light, an extension of the universal life energy joined you on your journey. This divine being has been with you all through your life, including the challenging situations of the past. To help you release all that you no longer need, so you find the peace and harmony you deserve. Most of us try to fight things out on our own, but the Angels want to help us as our happiness is not trivial. When we open our arms to Angelic assistance and request for a helping hand, we allow them to take our burdens within every area of our life. They then lovingly direct us to a place where we feel safe. Everything becomes happier, healthier and smooth. Instead of struggling to get your needs met, you experience magical synchronicities, healings and inner peace. Making your Angels your partner and friends can help alter your future for the better. Once you welcome your spiritual squad in your life, you can improve the outcome of any situation.